Sarah Gaby, Ph.D.

I am a currently an Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington.  I completed my Ph.D. at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Washington University in St. Louis. I study social movements, organizations, education, and inequality with a particular focus on youth civic engagement. My dissertation examines how organizations engage and politicize youth participants. I am currently studying the relationships between legacies of racial violence and enslavement, mass mobilization, and contemporary outcomes. I also write for the Mobilizing Ideas blog.

My Work


My research on civic and political participation and inequality is published in journals including Social Problems, Mobilization, and Youth & Society. I study the dynamics of participation in various institutions including civic organizations, schools, and social movements. My two current projects are described further below, and my published work can be viewed in the portfolio page.


I am a dedicated teacher who engages students in critical thinking, conducting research, and engaging with their communities. I have taught courses including Social Movements, Social and Economic Justice, and Introduction to Sociology. At the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, I won the university-wide Tanner Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. Learn more about on my teaching page.

Current Projects

Becoming Activists: How Organizations Engage and Politicize Youth

This book-length project examines youth civic organizations in the United States. The core questions of this study include: how do organizations engage and politicize youth, and why are some more effective than others? This work combines survey data with comparative fieldwork, interviews, and focus groups in a matched pair of youth service organizations and a matched pair of youth social movement organizations.

Legacies of Racial Violence and Mass Mobilization

I am studying the relationships between legacies of racial violence and enslavement, mass mobilization, and contemporary outcomes. My current research examines how Civil Rights era mobilization mediates the relationship between lynching and contemporary outcomes including housing segregation, health issues, and rates of imprisonment. This work draws on comparative historical data combined with survey data.

Public Scholarship

Triangle Youth Civic Engagement Project

The Triangle Youth Civic Engagement Project is a multi-method study of youth civic associations in the Raleigh-Durham-Cary metropolitan statistical area. The study included a survey of the population of youth-serving organizations (n=246). A summary of findings from the survey portion of the project can be found online at Thank you to all participating organizations. Data from the fieldwork and interview portions of the project are available by request. For more information please email

Mobilizing Ideas

I write for Mobilizing Ideas at The Center for the Study of Social Movements at the University of Notre Dame. Primarily, my writing the Daily Disruption blog and covers current events and new research. You can read my posts at:


Academic Positions

2020 – Current

University of North Carolina, Wilmington

Assistant Professor of Sociology and Criminology

2018 – 2020

Washington University in St. Louis

Postdoctoral Fellow



University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Ph.D., Sociology

Dissertation: “Becoming Activists: How Organizations Engage and Politicize Youth.”

Committee: Kenneth (Andy) Andrews (Co-chair), Neal Caren (Cochair), Andrew Perrin, Karolyn Tyson, and Matthew Baggetta
(University of Indiana).


University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

M.A., Sociology

Thesis: “Trading Politics for Protest: Youth Participation in Electoral
Politics, Volunteering, and Social Movement Activities from 1976-2009.”
Committee: Karolyn Tyson (Chair), Kenneth (Andy) Andrews,
Neal Caren, and Kyle Crowder.


Brandeis University

B.A., Sociology and International and Global Studies

Summa Cum Laude with Honors, Phi Beta Kappa

Peer-reviewed Publications

Legacies of Racial Violence and Antiracist Mobilization

Gaby, Sarah and Firdaous Sbai*. Conditional Accept. “Legacies of Racial Violence and Antiracist Mobilization.”

Archives and Activism: The Case of Wilmington, NC

Khan, Qurat*, Sarah Gaby, and Allison Harris. Accepted. “Archives and Activism: The Case of Wilmington, NC.” Record, Document, Archive. Edited by Stephanie Rountree, Lisa Hinrichsen, and Gina Caison. LSU Press.

Reconciling with 1898: Disrupting the Impact of Legacies of Racial Violence

Gaby, Sarah and Kim Cook. Forthcoming. “Reconciling with 1898: Disrupting the Impact of Legacies of Racial Violence.” The 1898 Wilmington Massacre: Critical

Explorations on Insurrection, Black Resilience, and Black Futures. LSU Press.

Teen Courts as Alternative Justice? Teens’ Carceral Habitus and the Reproduction of Social Inequality

Gaby, Sarah and Amy Magnus. 2023. “Teen Courts as Alternative Justice? Teens’ Carceral Habitus and the Reproduction of Social Inequality.” Critical Criminology. 32, 41-59.

Teaching Local: Interdisciplinary Archival Methods for Community-Based Learning in Wilmington, NC

Allison Harris, Kimi Faxon Hemingway, Sarah Gaby, Ann Rotchford, and Elizabeth Wellman. “Teaching Local: Interdisciplinary Archival Methods for Community-Based Learning in Wilmington, NC.” North Carolina Literary Review. 46-62.

Measuring Legacies of Collective Racial Violence

Gaby, Sarah. 2021. “Measuring Legacies of Collective Racial Violence.” Annals of the American  Academy of Political and Social Science. 694(1), 122–139.

Expanding the Scope of Historical Racial Violence

Cunningham, David, Hedwig Lee, Geoff Ward, and Sarah Gaby. 2021. Expanding the Scope of Historical Racial Violence.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 694(1).

Exculpating Injustice: Coroner Constructions of White Innocence in the Postbellum South

Gaby, Sarah, David Cunningham, Hedwig Lee, Geoff Ward, and Ashley Jackson*. 2021. “Exculpating Injustice: Coroner Constructions of White Innocence in the Postbellum South.” Socius. (7): 1-13.

Reconfiguring Organizational Commitments: Boundary Crossing in Civic Groups

Gaby, Sarah. 2020. “Reconfiguring Organizational Commitments: Boundary Crossing in Civic Groups.” VOLUNTAS. (31): 1121–1133.

Protest Episodes: Shifting Actors and Targets in Local Movements

Andrews, Kenneth and Sarah Gaby. 2019. “ Protest Episodes: Shifting Actors and Targets in Local Movements.” In James M. Jasper and Brayden G King. Protesters and Their Targets. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.

Media Use and Participant Inclusion: Influences on Efficacy in Paid Staff Youth Non-Profit Civic Organizations

Gaby, Sarah. 2018. “Media Use and Participant Inclusion: Influences on Efficacy in Paid Staff Youth Non-Profit Civic Organizations.” In Jennifer Earl and Deana A. Rohlinger (ed.) Social Movements and Media. Emerald Group Publishing. P. 209-240.

The Civic Engagement Gap(s)Youth Participation and Inequality From 1976 to 2009

Gaby, Sarah. 2017. “The Civic Engagement Gap(s)Youth Participation and Inequality From 1976 to 2009.” Youth & Society. 49(7): 923-946.

Economic Breakdown and Collective Action

Caren, Neal, Sarah Gaby, and Catherine Herrold. 2017. “Economic
Breakdown and Collective Action.” Social Problems. 64(1): 133-155.

The Rise of Inequality: How Social Movements Shape Discursive Fields

Gaby, Sarah and Neal Caren. 2016. “The Rise of Inequality: How Social Movements Shape Discursive Fields.” Mobilization. 21(4): 413-429.

Local Protest and Federal Policy: The Impact of the Civil Rights Movement on the 1964 Civil Rights Act

Andrews, Kenneth T. and Sarah Gaby. 2015. “Local Protest and Federal Policy: The Impact of the Civil Rights Movement on the 1964 Civil Rights Act.” Sociological Forum. 30(S1): 509-527.

Occupy Online: How Cute Old Men and Malcolm X Recruited 400,000 U.S. Users to OWS on Facebook

Gaby, Sarah and Neal Caren. 2012. “Occupy Online: How Cute Old Men and Malcolm X Recruited 400,000 U.S. Users to OWS on Facebook.” Social Movement Studies. 11(3-4): 367-374.

A Social Movement Online Community: Stormfront and the White Nationalist Movement

Caren, Neal, Kay Jowers, and Sarah Gaby. 2012. “A Social Movement Online Community: Stormfront and the White Nationalist Movement.” In Jennifer Earl, Deana A. Rohlinger (ed.) Media, Movements, and Political Change (Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, Volume 33), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, p. 163-193.

Papers Under Review

Reconfiguring Organizational Commitments: Boundary Crossing in Civic Groups

Gaby, Sarah. “Reconfiguring Organizational Commitments: Boundary Crossing in Civic Groups.”

Teen Courts as Alternative Justice? The Paradox of Criminal Justice Reach as an Approach to Diversion

Gaby, Sarah and Amy Magnus. “Teen Courts as Alternative Justice? The Paradox of Criminal Justice Reach as an Approach to Diversion.”

Papers in Preparation (available upon request)

Managed Autonomy: Implications of Organizational Models for Youth Civic Experiences

Gaby, Sarah. “Managed Autonomy: Implications of Organizational Models for Youth Civic Experiences.” Revise and Resubmit.

Learning to Fight for Your Rights? Political Socialization and Mobilization in Schools

Gaby, Sarah, Kari Kozlowski, Karolyn Tyson, Calvin Morrill, Richard Arum, and Lauren B. Edelman. “Learning to Fight for Your Rights? Political Socialization and Mobilization in Schools.”

Teaching Experience

Fall 2019

Department of Sociology, Washington University in St. Louis


Social Movements

Fall 2017, Spring 2017, Spring 2014, Summer 2014

Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Teaching Fellow

Social Movements

Summer 2016, Fall 2016

Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Teaching Fellow

Social and Economic Justice

Winter 2016

Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Elon University


Introduction to Sociology Through Film

Spring 2011, Fall 2010

Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Teaching Assistant

Sociology of the City and Urbanization; Sociology of Medicine and Society


Vimeo Videos
YouTube Videos
SoundCloud Audio

SoundCloud Audio

Media Project 2

Media Project 2

Vimeo Video 1

Vimeo Video 1

Vimeo Videos
Media Project 1

Media Project 1

Mockup Design 1

Mockup Design 1

YouTube Video 1

YouTube Video 1

YouTube Videos


Below is a description of the courses I have taught, teaching evaluations, awards and recognitions for teaching, and publications related to teaching and learning.

Teaching Evaluation


These are key evaluative elements for each of the courses I taught as primary instructor at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (UNC). I include the average for the Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences from fall 2017 as a comparison.


I also taught this past spring at Washington University in St. Louis (WashU). Their course evaluation system is primarily based on short answer questions, but I have provided comparable values on the metrics measured. Where possible, I include a comparison to the school’s average scores on these measures.


Introduction to Sociology Through Film

The goals for this course are to understand sociological concepts and social processes through reading and class discussion and developing new perspectives that will allow you to form fresh insights from the books, films, music, and interactions that surround you every day. Together we will study how systems of power operate and produce inequalities. We will also consider the ways individuals and groups experience and at times confront and even change those inequalities. To achieve these goals, we will begin by examining the complex social structures that emerge from human interactions. We will them consider a variety of issues and institutions such as race, class, gender, the educational system, and the justice system. We will focus this semester on developing our sociological imaginations and using that lens to understand the world in new ways. By the end of this course, I hope that you will see the familiar in an unfamiliar way, question what you used to take for granted, and see how social construction operates.

The unique part of this course is that we will apply sociological concepts, theories, ideas, practices, and understandings to film. In this course, you won’t only learn ideas, but also use them immediately to make sense of the world on screen. We will then extend this applied learning beyond the screen to the real world outside of the film. (Winter 2018)

Social Movements

Why do people protest and form collectives as they seek social change? Although collective action is uncommon, social movements like Black Lives Matter occur, and often involve protest, riots, and/or legal action as groups seek change. Why in some cases do people protest but primarily they do not? When they do, how do social movements work? Why do some movements succeed, while others fail? In this course, we will explore many elements of social movements including the origins, dynamics, and consequences using a sociological lens. We will examine the following topics: social movement emergence, social movement recruitment and participation, the role of the media, social movement strategies and tactics, and the outcomes— both success and failure—of social movements. We will also have the opportunity to engage with movement actors and observe protests. (Fall 2019, Fall 2017, Spring 2017, Spring 2014, Sumer 2014)

Social and Economic Justice

In this course we will analyze issues of justice from multiple perspectives, including the social and economic aspects that often come into conflict. We will examine issues such as those pertaining to human rights, race, class, and gender inequality, environmental inequality, civic and political participation, access to healthcare, policing and criminal justice, and economic development. We will draw on scholarship from various disciplines to form a theoretical basis for understanding these issues. By the end of this course, I hope that you will be able to critique the bases for social justice, complicate the strongly held views you entered with on what is “just,” and engage issues that arise from multiple perspectives and theoretical foundations. (Summer 2016, Fall 2016)

Teaching Awards

Tanner Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

Each year, five Tanner Awards are given to graduate students in recognition of excellence in undergraduate teaching. Faculty nominate graduate students who have displayed effective pedagogy as well as outstanding commitment to teaching and student success. Nominations include letters from faculty and students as well as course evaluations and other evidence of teaching excellence. (2018)

Center for Faculty Excellence Graduate Student Fellow

This highly selective position is given to graduate students with teaching and pedagogical experience. Fellows advance the mission of the Center through teaching and learning, research, leadership, and mentoring initiatives. In this position, I worked on two University-wide initiatives; one focused on defining and incorporating experiential learning into the strategic plan of the University and one to create training and interventions for a tool that allows instructors to examine student outcomes by sociodemographic characteristics (e.g., race/ethnicity, first generation status, etc.).

SAGE Teaching Innovations & Professional Development Award

This selective award is intended for early career instructors to welcome them into the Teaching and Learning community. Awardees are provided a stipend and invited to attend the ASA Section on Teaching & Learning’s pre-conference workshop to prepare a new generation of leaders in the sociology “teaching movement.” (2017)

Wilson Award for Excellence in Teaching, UNC Department of Sociology

The Everett K. Wilson Teaching Award recognizes graduate students that have demonstrated an excellence in teaching. Award winners have full responsibility for teaching an undergraduate course and are nominated based on official course evaluations, creative and innovative teaching methods and content, and promise as an educator. (2015)

Future Faculty Fellowship: Training Evidence-based Teaching Practices, UNC Center for Faculty Excellence

The Future Faculty Fellowship is a selective program for graduate students committed to teaching. The program includes a financial award and a semester-long training in evidence-based teaching practices. (2015)

Writing on Teaching and Learning

Gaby, Sarah. “Social Movement and Institution Interactions.” Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology. (Revise and Resubmit).

The Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology is a peer-reviewed database for publishing class activities and resources. “Social Movement and Institution Interactions” is a comprehensive course activity that can be adapted and utilized by other instructors. Social movement actors interact with various types of institutions as they seek to leverage challenges. Commonly, these include federal and local governments, corporations, and the media. In this simulation, students act as either social movement actors or institutional representatives and use role sheets to enact a simulated negotiation process. This activity allows students to build connections between theories on how movements challenge, utilize, and engage with institutions and practice. In addition, students develop persuasive skills and gain exposure to various viewpoints.

Gaby, Sarah and Howard E. Aldrich. 2016. “Broadening Student Learning with Laptops.” In Barbi Honeycutt (ed.) Flipping the College Classroom: Practical Advice from Faculty. Madison: Magna Publications.

In this piece, we develop specific guidelines for instructor-guided laptop use in the classroom. Using experiences from various courses, we demonstrate that the pedagogical payoff of strategically utilizing technology in the classroom exceeds the risk of misuse that led to banning these devices. We argue that instead of asking whether computers are beneficial or disruptive in classrooms, instructors should ask, “In what ways can technology bolster my teaching goals and objectives?” We provide several adoptable strategies for enhancing teaching and learning through technology.

Gaby, Sarah and Didem Türkoğlu. 2016. “Enacting Learning: Role Play as an Active Learning Strategy.” Teaching/Learning Matters.

While across college campuses great efforts are being made to incorporate service and experiential learning into classrooms with varying success, much less attention has been paid to the innovative ways that experiential education can penetrate student experiences inside the classroom. Utilizing experiences across several courses, we draw out the values of role play and simulation as a form of active learning that offers an innovative, student-run way to make personal connections to the curriculum, gain academic skills, and participate in collective debate and decision-making.


Get in Touch

Sarah Gaby
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology & Criminology
University of North Carolina, Wilmington


Send me a note
